Staff is tasked with an array of different responsibilities including code-required project review decisions on historic properties, support to other standing and special work groups across the City organization, and education & outreach programming. This report will provide highlights for the benefit of Commission members and the public, and for transparency regarding decisions made without the input of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).
The applicant is seeking comment from the Historic Preservation Commission for improvements to three alleys: Harper Goff, East Myrtle, & West Olive.
This item is to provide a final design review of a proposed rear addition for the City Landmark at 220 Remington St., the Bode Property. The owner is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for their plans based on their consistency with the US Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
This item is to consider the request for a recommendation to City Council on Landmark designation of the A.J. Hood/Thompson Property at 323 S. Loomis Ave. The nomination is not supported by the owners, Jacqueline Zipser and Holger Kley.
This item is to consider the appeal of the staff determination of landmark eligibility for the residential properties at 1901 and 1925 Hull Street. On October 14, 2022, in fulfillment of a pre-submittal requirement for a development review application, staff determined that the properties meet the requirements to be considered an “historic resource” under the City’s Land Use Code based on evidence and conclusions presented by an independent historic survey contractor in intensive-level survey forms, with some supplemented staff research and analysis. When undergoing development review, historic resources (properties that meet the City’s standards to qualify as a City Landmark) are subject to the project approval requirements in Fort Collins Land Use Code Section 3.4.7. Staff decisions may be appealed to the Historic Preservation Commission.