Topics: Appropriating City Give & Conservation Trust Fund-9/11 Memorial, Items Related to Residential Solid Waste Collection, Appropriating Reserves for a Conditional Capital Contribution-FC Regional Airport, Adopting the North College MAX BRT Plan as a Component of City Plan and Appeal of finding, 1901 and 1925 Hull Street are not Eligible for Landmark Designation
Item 14: Appropriating City Give & Conservation Trust Fund: 9/11 Memorial
Item 15: Items Related to Residential Solid Waste Collection
Item 16:Appropriating Reserves for a Conditional Capital Contribution: FC Regional Airport
First Reading of Ordinance No. 031, 2023 Appropriating Prior Year Reserves for a Conditional Capital Contribution of $1,000,000 for Construction of a New Public Terminal Facility at the Northern Colorado Regional Airport.
Item 17: Adopting the North College MAX BRT Plan as a Component of City Plan.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 030, 2023, Adopting the North College MAX BRT Plan as a Component of City Plan.
Item 18: Appeal of finding, 1901 and 1925 Hull Street are not Eligible for Landmark Designation
Hearing and Determination of Standing for the Appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission Determination that 1901 and 1925 Hull Street are not Eligible for Landmark Designation and Consideration of Resolution 2023-023 Adopting Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Regarding the Determination of Standing.