1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of May 7-13, 2023 as Public Service Recognition Week.
9.Second Reading of Ordinance No. 071, 2023, Amending the Land Use Code to Include Guidelines and Regulations for the Administration of Designated Areas and Activities of State Interest.
10.First Reading of Ordinance No. 140, 2022, Establishing a Fort Collins Minimum Wage and Associated Recordkeeping and Enforcement Provisions.
11.First Reading of Ordinance No. 074, 2023, Amending the Land Use Code to Include Regulations for Making Water Adequacy Determinations.
OB 1.Possible consideration of the initiation of new ordinances and/or resolutions by Councilmembers. OB 2. Consideration of a Request to Extend the Time for the Ziegler/Corbett Appeals: