Declaring September 9, 2023 as Poudre Landmarks Foundation 39th Annual Historic Homes Tour Day
A. Possible Public Hearing and Motion(s) Regarding Protest(s) of Ballot Language. B. Resolution 2023-082 Directing City Staff to Prepare and Present to Council Amendments to the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code Increasing Limits on Occupancy in Residential Dwellings. C. Resolution 2023-083 Referring to the Registered Electors of the City of Fort Collins Resolution 2023-082, Concerning Amending the Fort Collins Land Use Code to Increase the Occupancy Allowed in Residential Dwellings. Any protest of the proposed ballot language must be received no later than Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at noon. Protest(s) shall be heard, considered and resolved by the Council prior to adoption of the related Resolution. If protests are received, copies will be included in Council’s “Read Before the Meeting” packet.
Based on Council direction during the October 25, 2022, Work Session discussion and the April 2023 adoption of Ordinance No. 151, 2022 for new oil and gas well sittings, staff seek to update the reverse setback development standards (LUC 3.8.26) to reflect recent changes in the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) regulations, recently adopted Ordinance No. 151, 2022 – AMENDING THE LAND USE CODE TO REGULATE OIL AND GAS FACILITIES AND PIPELINES, and lessons learned over the past 4 years, including: ? Apply reverse setback buffers to all occupiable buildings, not just residential uses; and ? Explicitly state required setback buffers, rather than refer generally to ECMC rules; and ? Create a more predictable pathway for abandoned/inactive well types; and ? Eliminate the buffer exemption for crossings of arterial roadways.
A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 117, 2023, Amending Chapter 2, Article III, Division 1 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Add City Council Liaison Responsibilities. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 118, 2023, Amending Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Modify Type 1 Advisory Board Composition and Functions and Eliminate One-Year Terms. C. First Reading of Ordinance No. 119, 2023, Amending Chapter 2, Article III, Division 3 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Eliminate One-Year Terms of Type 2 Advisory Boards. D. First Reading of Ordinance No. 120, 2023, Reorganizing Chapter 2, Article VII, Divisions 1 and 2 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Consolidate the Ethical Rules of Conduct and Board of Ethics Sections with a Complaint Process for Violations of the Code of Conduct. E. Resolution 2023-084 Approving Amendments to the Respectful Workplace Policy and Renaming it the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. F. Resolution 2023-085 Approving a Code of Conduct for City Councilmembers and Board and Commission Members. G. Discussion and Direction to Staff Regarding Ex-officio Members. The purpose of these items is to consider resolutions and amendments to various divisions of Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code to reflect the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Boards and Commissions.
The purpose of this item is to adopt Land Use Code provisions to add specific regulations outlining how the City will make water adequacy determinations for development. The proposed regulations are divided into three different categories for: (1) established potable water supply entities; (2) new, or other potable water supply entities; and, (3) non-potable water supply entities. The goals of these changes include: complying with Colorado state statutory requirements (Section 29-20-301, et seq., C.R.S.); ensuring development has an adequate water supply; providing City staff with guidance to make these determinations and applicants with certainty on the requirements; and ensuring that growth and development in the City occur in a planned and coordinated manner. Other than minor, non-substantive clarifications, the proposed regulations are the same as those discussed at the June 6, 2023, Work Session. The Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended adoption of the proposed regulations (4-2 vote).