Larimer County Administrative Matters Meeting 9/26/23

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Discussion Agenda - 1. Larimer County Kinship Care Awareness Month Submitted by: Angela Mead, Human Services DESCRIPTION: To show the County’s appreciation for the efforts of public and private organizations who support kinship families in their efforts to provide care for children at the most critical times of their lives. It is also to increase awareness regarding kindship care. 2. Report on a grant project implemented by the Town of Berthoud, funded by the Larimer County Immediate Needs Grant Program Submitted by: Josh Fudge, Budget DESCRIPTION: The Town of Berthoud was awarded an Immediate Needs Grant to purchase and install an ultrasonic treatment buoy in the reservoir that holds the Town’s drinking water. The buoy uses ultrasonic waves to eliminate algae blooms, protecting water quality without harming plant or animal life in the reservoir. 3. Resolution Dissolving the Larimer County Citizen Review Board Submitted By: Heather O’Hayre, Director of Human Service DESCRIPTION: SB23-210 repeals county Citizen Review Panels due to the creation of the Statewide child protection ombudsman office. Human Services and County Attorney have revised processes to ensure programmatic compliance. We are submitting a resolution to repeal the Citizen Review Panel. NAMED PARTIES: Larimer County Department Human Services and the Citizen Review Panel 4. Obtain a board policy change to revise existing Juvenile Community Review Board. Submitted by: Heather O’Hayre, Director of Human Services DESCRIPTION: The Juvenile Community Review Board (JCRB) was created as a requirement to review all residential placements for youth. Larimer County has not had a residential placement provider in several years. As a result, the board has not had a reason to convene. We are asking to fold the JCRB into the Larimer County Interagency Oversight Group (LCIOG), as statute allows. If a review is needed of a residential youth, that would be the responsibility of the LCIOG. 5. Conduct a public hearing and request approval of a resolution that will extend the effectual date of the Larimer County Weed District to December 31, 2033. Submitted by: Casey Cisneros, Natural Resources DESCRIPTION: The Department of Natural Resources is requesting a 10-year extension to the Larimer County Weed District. This action does not extend the geographic boundaries of the current LC Weed District in any way. A ten-year extension of the Larimer County Weed District has been recommended by the Larimer County Land Stewardship Advisory Board whose members have signed a petition to that effect. This proposal was presented to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) at a work session on July 31, 2023. The BOCC directed staff to schedule the required public hearing to extend the effectual date of the Weed District for 10 years beyond the current termination date of December 31, 2023


Introduction 00:00:13

Call to Order 00:00:41

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:45

Public Comment (Phone) 00:01:51

Public Comment (Follow-Up) 00:10:06

Approval of Minutes 00:15:30

Schedule Review 00:15:58

Consent Agenda 00:21:47

Commissioners' Guest 00:28:44

Item #1: Larimer County Kinship Awareness Month 00:55:03

Item #2: Town of Berthoud Grant Project Report - Funded by Larimer County Immediate Needs Program 01:32:04

Item #3: Resolution Dissolving the Larimer County Citizen Review Board 01:49:30

Item #4: Obtain a Board Policy Change to Revise Existing Juvenile Community Review Board 01:56:40

Item #5: Public Hearing and Approval Request Extending Effectual Date of Larimer County Weed District to Dec. 31, 2033 02:00:33

County Manager Update 02:18:05

Commissioner Activity Reports 02:18:57

Adjournment 02:32:29

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