Fort Collins City Council Regular Meeting 7/2/24

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Fort Collins City Council Regular Meeting 7/2/24 5:00 Proclamations 6:00 Meeting Begins Items Relating to Residential Occupancy Ordinance. Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Elections. Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Recall. Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Initiative and Referendum. Items Relating to Traffic Safety Initiative – Automated Vehicle Identification System (AVIS) Corridors. Resolution 2024-090 Adopting Amended Rules of Procedure Governing the Conduct of City Council Meetings and Council Work Sessions.


Agenda Review 00:04:00

Public Comment 00:09:30

Public Comment Follow-Up 00:49:57

Councilmember Reports 01:02:29

Item #11 - Items Relating to Residential Occupancy Ordinance 01:07:30

A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 081, 2024, Amending the Land Use Code of the City of Fort Collins to Remove Residential Occupancy Limitations. B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 082, 2024, Amending the Code of the City of Fort Collins to Conform with the Removal of Residential Occupancy Limitations from the Land Use Code. These Ordinances, adopted on First Reading by a vote of 5-1 (Nays: Councilmember Ohlson, Absent: Mayor Arndt), consider adoption of changes to the City’s Land Used Code and Municipal Code to comply with House Bill 24-1007, which prohibits residential occupancy limits based on familial relationship.

Item #12 - Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Elections 01:15:42

A. Possible Public Hearing and Motion(s) Regarding Protest(s) of Ballot Language. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 094, 2024, Submitting to a Vote of the Registered Electors of the City of Fort Collins Proposed Amendments to Article VIII of the City Charter Relating to Elections. The purpose of this item is to set ballot language regarding proposed amendments to Article VIII of the City Charter relating to election provisions. Any protest of the proposed ballot language must be received no later than Monday, July 1, 2024, at noon. Protest(s) shall be heard, considered, and resolved by the Council prior to adoption of the related Ordinance. If protests are received, copies will be included in Council's "Read Before the Meeting" packet.

Item #13 - Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Recall 01:30:52

A. Public Hearing and Motion(s) Regarding Protest(s) of Ballot Language. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 095, 2024, Submitting to a Vote of the Registered Electors of the City of Fort Collins Repealing and Reenacting Article IX of the City Charter Relating to Recall. The purpose of this item is to set ballot language regarding proposed amendments to Article IX of the City Charter relating to recall provisions. Any protest of the proposed ballot language must be received no later than Monday, July 1, 2024, at noon. Protest(s) shall be heard, considered, and resolved by the Council prior to adoption of the related Ordinance. If protests are received, copies will be included in Council's "Read Before the Meeting" packet.

Item #14 - Items Relating to a City Initiated Charter Amendment Relating to Initiative and Referendum. 01:48:00

A. Public Hearing and Motion(s) Regarding Protest(s) of Ballot Language. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 096, 2024, Submitting to a Vote of the Registered Electors of the City of Fort Collins Repealing and Reenacting Article X of the City Charter Relating to Initiative and Referendum. The purpose of this item is to set ballot language regarding proposed amendments to Article X of the City Charter relating to initiative and referendum provisions. Any protest of the proposed ballot language must be received no later than Monday, July 1, 2024, at noon. Protest(s) shall be heard, considered, and resolved by the Council prior to adoption of the related Ordinance.

Item # 15 - Items Relating to Traffic Safety Initiative – Automated Vehicle Identification System (AVIS) Corridors 02:03:17

A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 097, 2024, Amending the Fort Collins Traffic Code to Implement a New Automated Vehicle Identification System (AVIS) to Replace the Previously-Approved AVIS to Support the Traffic Safety Initiative. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 098, 2024, Designating Speed Corridors Pursuant to Fort Collins Traffic Code Section 1106. C. First Reading of Ordinance No. 099, 2024, Making Supplemental Appropriations to Support Additional Staffing and Expenses for Implementation of the Automated Vehicle Identification System Traffic Safety Initiative. The purpose of this item is to recommend a proposal from Police Services and Planning, Development and Transportation (PDT), supported by the City Attorney's Office (CAO), and Municipal Court. This proposal stems from recent changes to Colorado law related to the expanded use of unmanned speed enforcement with Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS), on sections of roadways designated by the Council as speed corridors. The initiative's primary goal is to promote traffic safety through speed enforcement and supports Vision Zero, the Council's goal of eliminating Fort Collins roadway fatalities and reducing injury crashes.

Item # 16 - Resolution 2024-090 Adopting Amended Rules of Procedure Governing the Conduct of City Council Meetings and Council Work Sessions 02:21:42

The purpose of this item is to consider updates to the Council Meeting Rules of Procedure that ensure the public has the opportunity to speak on all agenda items, provide general public comment, and allow the Council to effectively execute the business of the City. The update to the Meeting Rules also includes alignment to Ordinance No. 39, 2024 and clarification as to the purposes of staff, community and Council reports.

Other Business 03:01:07

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