Larimer County BOCC Work Session 8/26/24, 10:00 AM

Show Details

Larimer County BOCC Work Session 8/26/24, 11:00 AM Work session for a quarterly Climate Smart Future Ready update


Introductions 00:00:42

Item #1: Climate Wise and Future Ready Initiative Updates (Presentation Begins) 00:01:54

Item #1: Climate Wise and Future Ready Initiative Updates (Energy Questions) 00:10:25

Item #1: Climate Wise and Future Ready Initiative Updates (Transportation Questions) 00:24:30

Item #1: Climate Wise and Future Ready Initiative Updates (Environmental Questions) 00:45:42

Item #1: Climate Wise and Future Ready Initiative Updates (Q3 Quarterly Report) 00:49:47

Adjournment 00:54:17

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