Larimer County Administrative Matters Meeting 9/3/24

Show Details

Topics: Consent Agenda, Consideration of placing a 0.15% sales and use tax on November ballot, Proclamations - September 2024 as National Suicide Prevention Month, September 2024 as Emergency Preparedness Month and September 2024 as Workforce Development Month, approval of the 2024 Impact Fund Grant Award Recommendations for funding and a onetime allocation increase, County Manager Update and Commissioner Activity Reports.


Opening Remarks 00:00:08

Approval of Minutes for the Week of August 26, 2024 00:02:06

Upcoming Schedule for the Week of September 9, 2024 00:02:34

Consent Agenda 00:11:23

Item #1: Consideration of a Resolution Placing a 0.15% Sales and Use Tax on November Ballot 00:22:22

Proclamation Declaring September 2024 as National Suicide Prevention Month 01:23:08

Proclamation Declaring September 2024 as Emergency Preparedness Month 01:48:58

Proclamation Declaring September 2024 as Workforce Development Month 02:00:44

Item #5: Approval of the 2024 Impact Fund Grant Award Recommendations for Funding and a Onetime Allocation Increase 02:21:07

County Manager Update 02:32:26

Commissioner Activity Reports 02:33:39

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